Everyday uses for Italian Dressing Mix


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There are some spices or seasonings that I use in everything.I’m sure that you can think of some as well. Garlic for instance, who doesn’t love garlic. Whether it’s the cloves, powder or salt. We definitely go through lots of it in our house. It has lots of health benefits, too. I had a friend who was more of a naturalist as far as medicine goes and she would tell me she would just chew a clove when she was sick. 😛 I can’t imagine doing that, but it seemed to work for her. 

One seasoning that I always keep on hand is Italian dressing mix. I use it in so many things. It just peps dishes up quickly. One dish that I use them in which I have listed here on the blog is on veggies like Zucchini. I love these containers for keeping my packet seasonings organized. 

Another, dish I like to use this spice with is just buttered noodles. I simply cook the pasta, toss with butter or olive oil and stir in the Italian Dressing Mix. It makes a quick an easy side dish and easy variation from the garlic noodles. 

My boys absolutely love this dish. We make it with drumsticks or bone in thighs to be on the frugal side. It is so simple, just combining brown sugar and the Italian dressing mix, coat and bake in the oven. It gives the perfect blend of sweet and spicy. This recipe is from @plainchicken, I love her recipes. They are always good.

