Zesty veggies

I love gardening so much. There is just something therapeutic about it for sure. I love home-grown tomatoes most of all. My next favorites are zucchini, yellow squash and green peppers. There is just so much you can do with these fresh veggies. It’s just so much more than the raising prices in the grocery stores and all the chemicals they are sprayed with that are so bad for us. These are alone very good reasons. I think that everyone should know how to plant and grow their own vegetables and fruits. 

Some years are better than others of course and yield an abundance, thanks be to God. We often try to find different recipes. Thanks to the recent uptick in the keto diet there are a ton of recipes with zucchini. We of course like zucchini bread and muffins, not that they’re the healthiest. It is one way to get veggies in the kids though, right? 

This is one of my favorite recipes the last couple years:

1 zucchini

1 yellow squash

1 onion

3 tbsp olive oil

1 pkg Italian dressing mix

1. Slice veggies.

2. Add oil to skillet. Turn to med high and add in veggies. Add in seasonings and cook to desired firmness.

Speaking of frying pan, I just love these. They don’t have that non stick coating that peels off. Copper also seems to be the new craze as far as health goes in cookware. I have my regular frying pan that I use daily and a deeper one as well. I find they are very useful. 


I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as I have. What’s your favorite zucchini recipe?

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