Solutions for a Sensory Needs Child


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Having children with sensory needs is a challenge. Thankfully, there has been much progress as far as ways to help the cope with these challenges in their life. I have been on this journey personally for about ten years. We’ve been to multiple types of specialists. It’s great to find products/ services along the way to help. I love reading success stories and about different products that help to make life a little easier. I am not a doctor, just a Mom who has been down this road. I’m not offering medical advice, just reiterating these things have worked for us. 

Fidget toys become your friend. Something to keep their hands busy, this helps with the stims that some kids experience. It works by keeping them focused on that object. There are so many different fidget toys now, which is helpful. They are a variety of texture and shape. As I explained in a recent post, we used them to keep the kids busy on a long car ride. We have used them during church or when I needed to talk to another Mom. It is fun to make these as well. There are a variety of pins on Pinterest showing how to make fidget spinners

Chewing necklaces are great for those that have a need to chew. One of my children would chew paper, shirts-it didn’t matter. I didn’t really understand why. I didn’t learn till later it was anxiety and he needed to chew. At that time, I didn’t know about the chewy “necklaces” and we got permission for him to chew gum. They make some like a shark tooth or a lego brick. It just depends on their interests. 

Weighted blankets have helped some who struggle with anxiety as well. It gives the feeling of a hug which helps them to feel secure and calm. The weight just helps to relax and ease their senses. There is a variety of weights of course and sizes, colors, etc. 

Some children have sensory needs related to swinging or climbing. There are just so many products to help with these feelings and needs that they have. There are a variety of swings that are available. These can be hung indoors. 

There are so many studies, material and specialists out there to help with this area of Sensory Processing or Anxiety. I’ve seen 1 in 20 kids have been diagnosed that’s a pretty staggering number. I’m so thankful for the great minds that have developed so many different products to help these children to cope. 
