Fidget the time away

 Who doesn’t love a long car ride with kids? Perhaps another scenario of waiting for a long time for a doctor appointment. It seems like an eternity to them. We went on a vacation last year and while it wasn’t that far about five or six hours, it was still better to be prepared. Sure we could always have iPads but who wants to listen to several different YouTube channels of various cartoons or kids saying, “oh no, what should we do?” 

Who ever thought of these fidget toys is an absolute genius. They are just simple pieces of moldable material. Kids of all ages will sit there for hours and just play with them, it keeps them content and busy. It worked for us, it kept everyone happy for the majority of the trip. 

If you head over to this link there’s a special coupon for a few days on an assortment of these special gems.

As an Amazon Associate I may receive earnings from any purchases made. 
