DIY tummy aches

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 Essential oils  are touted by many as an alternative to medicine. While I am a firm believer in traditional medicine, there are a few things that have helped my family in particular. We have some anxiety issues and as I have researched and been to a plethora of specialists with my kids, I have learned it is usually portrayed as nausea in kids. 

I first tried peppermint essential oil about five years ago, when my child with Aspberger’s Syndrome had complained one day of tummy issues. I thought why not, it can’t hurt. Later on, a roll on had been developed. Now, I keep one in my purse, in the kitchen and in his room (he’s now a teen). 

I like some of the others as a nice fragrance to the house or car. They make diffusers for the home or car. They are a nice alternative to candles and a little safer as far as leading to fire goes. I love lavender & sage or citrus to diffuse. It’s a nice calming or grounding scent. I’ve also started using wool dryer balls recently and you can add some drops of essential oil to those for fragrance. 

There is so much that these essential oils can help with and they are non toxic. Again, I’m not stating they’re a cure all. I just like them for our family. I’ve found the efficacy of Plant Therapy to be just as good as some MLM bigger name companies. 

Have you used these oils, what’s your favorite scent?
