Back to School


Back to school is a crazy time of year. There is nothing like the smell of new crayons and pencils, the excitement of kids entering the new grades and my favorite season… fall. Enter pumpkin scent and flavor on and in everything. 

It’s a time to enjoy hayrides and apple cider, visiting your local apple orchard or farmer markets. We have lots of them here in the Northeast. There is nothing like fresh apples from the tree or seeing the leaves change colors driving down the windy country roads through the Shenandoah mountains. 

Right now is a great time to take advantage of those great back to school sales. You can find everything on sale from paper and pens to clothes and snacks. It’s a wonderful opportunity to stock up on everything. We seem to always go through pens and the more I buy the faster they disappear!

I just love Amazon. I don’t have to fight everyone to get my cart down the back to school aisle, then wait in a long line at the check out or scan my cart full of supplies. No worries of the stores being out of clothes in certain size either.  I can pick what I want and have it the next day. 

What’s your favorite thing to get at back to school sales? 

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